Kung Fu Panda Wiki

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Kung Fu Panda Wiki
Kung Fu Panda Wiki
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By focusing on the mysteries of the natural world, Oogway achieved harmony and focus. This insight formed the basis of a self-defense system of kung fu!
Po's narration, Legend of the Legendary Warrior

The birth of kung fu is an event which occurred centuries ago, in which Oogway experienced a moment during meditation where he unraveled the mysteries of harmony and focus, and created kung fu as a result.


Nearly a thousand years ago, Oogway departed from his home in the Galapagos Islands on a journey of discovery, traveling all around the world until he eventually arrived in China. While trekking the Wu Dan Mountains overlooking the land that would later become known as the Valley of Peace, Oogway discovered a small pool. Deeply moved by nature's beauty, Oogway shed tears into the pool as he gazed at his reflection.

As Po stated in Legend of the Legendary Warrior, Oogway felt the universe in motion around him during meditation. He could hear a butterfly's wing beat. He could see light in the darkest cave. By focusing on the mysteries of the natural world, Oogway achieved harmony and focus. This insight formed the basis of a self-defense system of kung fu. Observing his own reflection in the pool, he discovered a moment that represented this harmony and focus. By observing others, he helped them discover their own styles.

