Kung Fu Panda Wiki

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Kung Fu Panda Wiki
Kung Fu Panda Wiki

The Canyon of the Shrieking Wind is the name of a canyon pass seen in Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. In the episode "Ladies of the Shade", Po, Crane, and Viper went through the path where a shrieking, powerful gust of wind rushed through, true to its name. This hurricane-like wind power was so strong that it could force a massive number of people away and into the sky.


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In Legends of Awesomeness

In "Ladies of the Shade," Po, Crane, and Viper first went through the canyon on their way to find the Ladies of the Shade, who had stolen the Dragon Chalice from the Jade Palace. The loud, powerful winds that came through the pathway blew him and the others out of the canyon, where they afterward found the Ladies' camp.

Po later used the canyon to an advantage as he, Song, and the others were escaping from the Ladies of the Shade, and they ducked at the right time as the shrieking winds burst through, blowing the army of leopards away with their parasols.



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